Installation of the Network License Option (NLO) is a two-phase process: In Phase 1, you set up the server. In Phase 2, you install and register the client software on each node.

GibbsCAM NLO/Network Licensing Video:

Before Installing Network Licensing Option

If you have a hardware key, please install the hardware key driver before you procced to Step 1.

Hardware Key Drivers 

(1) If the key ID starts with a 3, 4, 5 or 6, install “Sentinel Protection Installer 7.7.X”.

Sentinel Protection Installer 7.7.1 

(2) If the key ID starts with a 7, install “Sentinel HASP/LDK Installer 8.XX”.

Sentinel HASP/LDK Installer 8.43 

If necessary, the following utility can be used to wipe all Sentinel drivers before reinstalling the latest one: 

SSD Cleanup Utility for Windows (64-bit)

NLO Step 1 - Setting Up the Server

Before you begin: On the machine where you will install the License Server, you must have administrator privileges. The installer setup file GibbsCAMNLOServer-24.<x>.<y>.<z>.exe must be available. 

You can download the Reprise NLO Server software here:

Install and run the Registration Tool

C:\Program Files\GibbsCAM\GibbsCAM NLO Server 2024\RegistrationTool.exe

Enter your product code and select "Next" 

Complete the contact information and select "Next".

Select "Finish".

Make sure it creates a new ".lic" file in your deployment directory.  

C:\Program Files\GibbsCAM\GibbsCAM NLO Server 2024

The RLM Web Server Portal

You can verify that the service is running correctly on the server through the Reprise License Server Administration page which your server will be hosting.  The address for that is:


Important Note: 

RLM will create a file automatically at startup with a default admin:admin:all (username:password:list-of-permissions) account. You must reset the password within 10 minutes or the server will automatically shut down if it is running. To change the password, select the "Change Password" menu item once logged in as that admin. The password field is an encrypted hash of the actual password.

Once on that site, click the 'Status' button on the left.  At the bottom there should be a status for "Running"

If it is not running you can try clicking the "Reread/Restart" button on the left panel.  You can also try restarting the service through the Windows services list by going to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services.  The service will be named either "GibbsRLMServer" or Reprise License Server".

You can track the license usage on this page by clicking the 'Gibbsnet' button underneath "Server Status".  Scroll down to the "License Pool Status" chart.  This will show you the name of the option, the "Count" of how many seats you have total, and the "In Use" column which shows how many are currently in use. Click "Usage..." to show the user name.

You can create additional accounts with proper privileges for the users to access this web page. See the attached  "RLM_License_Administration.PDF" file starting from Page 49. 

Server Status

Use RLM Across A Firewall

If you want to serve licenses across a firewall, generally you will need the license servers to have known port numbers in order to allow your firewall to pass requests on these ports. The RLM server itself is always at a known port number: Host line "2764" and ISV "2765".

NLO Step 2 - Install the Client Software On Each Node

Before you begin: Make sure the license server machine is running the GibbsRLMServer service and that the client machine (workstation) has a network connection to it. 

1. On the client machine (workstation), install the GibbsCAM software, using the same product code that was used for installing the server. 

2. Register GibbsCAM for this client workstation. You can do this manually at any time by running the Registration Tool. Or, if you launch GibbsCAM, it will display the License Installation dialog to prompt you for the product code. Use the same product code that was used for the server. On NLO client machines, you are not be prompted for contact information.

3. After you enter the product code, click Activate Product to complete the license deployment. The license data will be retrieved from the Gibbs Activation Service and placed in the appropriate Activation Data folder.

4. Repeat the previous steps (installing the GibbsCAM software and registering the product code) for each GibbsCAM client of the license server machine. 

Client Software Activation Instructions: