Troubleshooting the Client side:

1.)  Manually check the client registration worked, which means that the server license file now also resides at this local PC.  Check the appropriate folder for your version:

v13 - C:\ProgramData\3D Systems\GibbsCAM\LicenseData\128.0

v14 - C:\ProgramData\3D Systems\GibbsCAM\LicenseData\140.0

V14.21 or newer - C:\ProgramData\CAMBRIO\GibbsCAM\LicenseData\140.0

If the .cml license file is not found here, re-run the client registration step, or manually copy the file from the license server.

 Default NLO server license folder: 

C:\ProgramData\3D Systems\LicFiles\Network

2.)  Open the Client side license manager utility by running this utility:

C:\Program Files\3D Systems\GibbsCAM\<version>\Bin\CimLicManager.exe


3.)  Note the row for floating license and check the server connection information.  The server can be identified by its network I.P. or PC name.  The port number must match the port number the server is using (10106 is the default).  The toggle must be on and the light green.

(The client may or may not also have a local license in addition to the modules it can receive from the license server.  Either is fine.)

Service Port Checking

a.)  Verify in Windows that the server can be seen.  For example look for the server PC in network neighborhood, or "ping" the server and check the latency.  A good ping result should be 10ms or less.  Another way to check the server connection is to use Windows PowerShell.

Detailed PowerShell instructions:  Testing the connection between a client and server PC


b.)  If the server is found, but connection is still not made, the most common reason will be the Windows Firewall settings on the license server PC.

Return to the server and allow the CimLmService through the firewall.

C:\Program Files\3D Systems\License Server\CimLmService.exe


Or, manually make firewall exceptions for these components of the license server software:

C:\Program Files\3D Systems\License Server\CimLmService.exe

C:\Program Files\3D Systems\License Server\CimLicManager.exe

C:\Program Files\3D Systems\License Server\CimServiceMonitor.exe